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Coming out of the Ninth Ward: Nine Times Social and Pleasure Club (a Neighborhood Story Project book)
Coming out of the Ninth Ward: Nine Times Social and Pleasure Club (a Neighborhood Story Project book)

Coming out of the Ninth Ward: Nine Times Social and Pleasure Club (a Neighborhood Story Project book)

Regular price $16.00
Beginning with their own childhoods in the Desire Housing Project, Nine Times take the reader on a journey through their world: Motown Sound at Carver games, DJs in the courts, and sandlot football. It continues as the Housing Authority of New Orleans begins to demolish the Desire, and Nine Times begins to parade in the Ninth Ward. Written by the members during the year after Katrina, Nine Times writes about their lives, their parades, the storm, and the rebuilding process. Through interviews, photographs, and writing, Nine Times brings readers into their world of second lines, brass bands, Magee’s Lounge, and the ties that bind.